Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Sacred In Everyday

Since embarking on a career with more flexible time spent at home, I have discovered the biggest impact to be on our morning routines. In general, mornings were something I dreaded. They invariably ended up with everyone feeling stressed, frustrated and in a rush.My son, known for his capacity to dig in at the best of times, would take this to brand new heights the moment he felt rushed, leading to tantrums of startling proportions - for both of us!

Today I truly appreciated just how far we have come. My attention isn't scattered in a million different directions and I was able to sit with him spending a precious few minutes offering the extra cuddles and attention he needed today to launch him into his day. It certainly launched me in a great direction too! Its amazing how smoothly life goes when we have attention to spare and a willingness to be in the moment. I wish I had known how powerful this would prove to be on those many mornings when I flew around the house in a rush, creating an atmosphere where no one's needs could possibly be met. It would have likely made a difference. I don't think I was even remotely aware at how I was creating my reality and by extension, my son's.

Admittedly, I have the luxury of time given how I have chosen to re-create my life. I still think that for those of us who still feel harried and rushed, it may be worthwhile to consider just how we are creating the sense of chaos and frustration that accompanies some of our daily routines. Maybe a few minutes of cuddles isn't in the cards but certainly a sense of groundedness can be created with a few deep breaths. When we are present to ourselves, its a lot easier to be present for a child too.

I wonder just how many of those frustrating mornings would have changed course if I had been calm, if I had taken a moment to acknowledge my son and his need for a hug or a moment focused just on him.

I'm glad I got to figure it out now and could enjoy that sacred moment this morning before he is too old to snuggle with his mom!

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