Friday, March 2, 2007

Hello World!

Hello World! That pretty much sums up how I am feeling this morning in the wake of the tidal wave of snow and freezing rain that pummeled the GTA over the past 18 hours. This morning as I sit down to write, still damp and sweaty from scraping the many layers of snow and ice that built up on our driveway since the last time we cleared it, I feel the tingle of aliveness coursing through me.

Energy, blessed energy is returning ten-fold as this pregnancy marches on and I feel like I'm gulping it down and like its overflowing and spilling out the corners of my mouth, running down my chin like juicy watermelon! How marvelous to simply be alive, connected, moving!

I don't care that my house is falling down around my ears with dirty laundry and dishes seeming to multiply quicker that rabbits on 'Ecstasy'. How does a house fall into disarray so quickly...I have to rely on the theory of entropy in this case....all systems gradually decay into chaos. Why fight it?! Its natural, right? That is one of the only tidbits of theory that has stuck with me since high school physics class but its quite a useful one!

In my current mood, I can even over look my psycho dog, barking his fool head off as bits of sun warmed ice skitter across the skylights, landing with dramatic thumps on the back deck. All this continues in spite of his vigilance and attempts to control and manage what is beyond his reach. He has yet to learn this lesson and I feel grateful for the reminder his behaviour offers me - relax into it dude! Its only a bit of ice and now the sun is out. Enjoy it while it lasts! In fact, let me take a momentary break and put him outside with the falling ice so that he can appreciate what it is...and with any luck, some will hit him on the head and knock some sense into him. Nature wins every time!

Okay...I'm back. The barking more distant and while the door was open I was greeted with a symphony of birds and the beautiful counter point of dripping water from the ice cloaked trees and snow choked eves. Beauty everywhere!

I think I owe much of my euphoria today to having been in the company of some spectacular women last evening. In the midst of the storm that had people on the roads for more than 4 times the usual length of their commute, 150 women gathered for a great cause and to celebrate their Inner Diva. What a buzz!

As women, we are truly spectacular in our capacity to create, support, celebrate - and every now and then, we do it for ourselves too! I would love to see more women simply step up to the plate and celebrate their own lives and their own capacity to create and live fully. We are marvelous at honoring another under the banner of charity but we are lousy at allowing ourselves to be at the centre of our own lives. We are not puny! We are not victims! Because someone else is living large does not mean we need to shrink into the woodwork and wait for our own opportunity. Make your own opportunity and discover that you have new playmates!!

This observation has really hit home for me recently. I watch with wonder at the caliber of women I have recently been attracting into my life and can see how it is escalating. Just last week as I connected with 2 good friends, I was taken aback when the conversation turned to age and I suddenly remembered that these vibrant, irrepressible women are about 20+ years older than I am. Lust for life and a desire to make a difference in the world is what draws us together - age never factored in. Last night, I began to see how many women of my age are waking up and becoming huge forces in the world and I felt like I had more playmates than I ever expected to find. And I sure am ready to play again!

Like a bear waking up from winter hibernation...I am stretching out, hungry for new adventure (and peanut butter - come to think of it...). I wonder what awaits in the next few months.

I am ready to launch a Women and Power: Moving Forward From Here workshop in late April and as well as a new weekend experience called Finding Your North Star. I just can't wait to have new conversations with new women! There is always so much to discover about myself between the concept, creation and delivery that my own evolution takes off like a rocket and I love the energy of a group of women, awakened and ready to live differently.

Yes, life indeed is beautiful!

PS: I'll be away for the next week with notebook and pen in hand. Stay tuned for Mexican Musings upon my return :) The ocean does wonders for my creativity!

1 comment:

Anne T.-Bérubé, PhD said...

Anita, have a great trip! Soak up all the good vibrations LIFE will send your way.

Love to you and baby!