Sunday, September 9, 2007

Quantum Creativity....TM!

I found a few moments to read the other day, never mind that it was in a few stolen moments while sitting in the "john" :) What I had with me was a little Deepak Chopra book called "Creating Affluence". ( Oh gosh, it just occurred to me that with a bit of rejigging that could read as Creating Flatulence! Yes, dear reader, I'm tired and feeling a bit punchy today!!) Anyway, as coincidence would have it (and there are NO coincidences!) I was thunderstruck by a passage in the introduction that I have read many times before. Today the words were leaping off the page and new connections where whirring away in my brain.

The concepts of quantum physics have captivated me since high school and then found new meaning as I made my journey through WEL-Systems(R) and then they once again reorganized themselves as I read Chopra's thoughts about energy and information over again. As he wrote about the notion that all things are made up of energy and information, the subatomic stuff of our universe, he also noted that so are our thoughts. What then makes our thoughts recognizable is the fact that we then structure them linguistically.

Once again, this dovetailed beautifully with what I know from WEL-Systems, however, this was the twist for me - I don't need to continue to struggle to think stuff up to keep my writing moving forward. All I need to do is to allow myself to tap into the flow of what is already present and available. What I have been doing is putting myself in the middle as a filter. In the process, I've been slowing down that energy and information, squeezing it into linguistically structured thought, assessing it and then writing it. For you WEL-Systems Alumni out there, this is akin to a therapy model approach to creativity.

What if.... and this one is ripe with possibility, what if I were to find a way to side step my intellect when I write? To create autopoietically by simply allowing myself to relax deeply into my body, allowing myself and my cells to be receptive (this I imagine to be like throwing out a fishing line into a vast and endless stream) and "hooking" the pre-thought stream or allowing my hand to write (or type as the case may be)? In this way, although linguistically structured, my intellect isn't engaged in the creation until the time comes to edit and then it becomes involved in the decision making process.

Sound familiar? I'm sure it does to many. In WEL-Systems, I came to understand this model as a process called Quantum TLC(TM) and how it relates to creating health and wellness. I know that when painting, I have had marvelous experiences of moving straight from being receptive to creating without eliciting my intellect's input until the final product is there in front of me.

I've investigated some writing resources that refer to "channeling" and still others that teach all kinds of ways to wear down the intellect, silence the inner censorship to get to this place. Not only did none of this speak to me in a language that I found either appealing or familiar, they all come from a therapy model concept that implies that one must work long and hard to obtain that level of inspired creativity. I just don't buy that model of the world anymore but I didn't have an existing framework for writing that fit so I have been feeling very frustrated and out of alignment - until now.

I realize that writing in this way will test the most firmly planted set of beliefs stemming from all those years of education that drilled in the "rules" of grammar, sentence structure and organization. I imagine my psyche etched with big red check marks ....or "X"s . Perhaps that is why it has been so difficult to write organically or to coin my own phrase, to set in motion "Quantum Creativity" (mmmm....I think I'll trademark that one). There are lots of rules to bypass within me. My good little girl persona and the rule abiding Francis (See earlier entry "She's Come Undone" for explanations!) must be exiled or occupied in order to allow uninterrupted flow from pre-thought to fingertips.

I'll be playing with this concept, resisting the urge to mold and shape what already exists in the quantum field, electing instead to let it find its way into my writing the same way it moves within me in other aspects of my life. I'll keep you posted!

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