Monday, April 16, 2007

Creating With the Universe

Limitless, boundless potential exists all around us. This is the very fabric of the universe. The smallest particles that make up the atoms which in turn make up every aspect of our"reality" have been scientifically shown to exist in a state of potential until an event triggers an expression that becomes observable. Its not science fiction - its science fact!

The implications are simply mind boggling! Here I am, resting in one "reality" which has been co-created with the stuff of the universe, but what about the the other possibilities before this one was selected? How malleable is my present reality? Why do I think, with the proof of constant exchange of energy in the universe, that any shifts will take a long time and require a lot of effort, even when in fact I know better from personal experience and have come to grasp this scientific fact intellectually?

I suspect what takes a long time and a lot of effort is to unlearn all the notions I hold about how the universe works and my place in it. And yet, its a simple as making room for a new thought. I won't even begin to contemplate things at the physical end of the spectrum. Things like my desk, my car etc because I think creation begins with thought and expectation before the trickle down effect is observed here and now as a desk or a car. They are merely a byproduct of a much more fulfilling process and that is active co-creation with the flow if energy that makes up our reality.

For example, I had lots of thoughts about my new home. I imagined it over and over again. I knew the features that would make it my dream. We weren't even prepared for a move when I began to allow my imagination to play with the idea. We are now ready and - poof - there it is. When we began to take action, we had lots of clarity about what we were looking for and a very vague idea about where we wanted to be located. As soon as we added the action ingredient, it all fell into place with minimal effort. Every detail perfect, many of which I hadn't even thought about. That, for me is powerful evidence of how I participate with the universe to create my reality.

When I consider the successful keys to this creation I realize that it has several things in common with other times when I have felt entirely in sync and attracted something into my life. The first being a clear intention, backed up with no sense of doubt. Well, perhaps occasional doubts but ones that were quickly resolved or released. In fact, the speed of creation was proportional to the amount of doubt I had. When I wavered in my conviction, change slowed down to accomodate my doubts.

I wasn't attached to the outcome. I let go of a specific time frame or precise criteria. I may have had a vague idea but I didn't feel like I was deadline driven. Focus on details or deadlines and attachment to them also seemed to slow things down and pushed me quite far away from a sense of flow and into a state that was much more fearful and had a strong sense of scarcity about it - not enough time, money, or something along those lines. The moment I let go, it would all begin to flow again and I have been amazed at how truly perfect the timing was in retrospect.

This observation is clearly linked to just how my beliefs would affect the process. If I didn't feel a sense of trust and abundance or felt threatened somehow, things would slow down until I once again felt my beliefs align with what was in the process of being created or what was being created shifted to align with those new beliefs. Other beliefs that affected the process had to do with how deserving I was to have my creation become real; how comfortable I was in letting go of "how" and simply trusting that it would happen.

Which brings me to another component, and that is action. So much about creation is about willingness to participate. Its not enough to wish, hope, dream or imagine. There comes a point where the rubber hits the road and some action is required. What is different about action from my past experiences is that it isn't necessarily about creating a plan and working it. For sure this process works well but I've often found it to be very slow and incremental in nature. Things seem to happen with much more ease, for me at least, when I have the compass co-ordinates rather than a detailed map. I get suspicious when I have a full map in my head because it means one of two things - either I've been here before, which makes this destination less about creation and more about revisitation - or else I'm following someone else's steps, which once again, is not representative of my personal participation in creating with the universe. Stepping into a creation with only the compass points opens up an incredible adventure with all kinds of short cuts and at other times, interesting detours, all of which ensures a unique and deeply meaningful end result.

It might be assumed that I'm speaking only about wonderful events or material things and that is not at all the case. I'm quite clear that I create synchronistic events as much as the physical elements of my life. I am equally clear that my process of creation works just as well for those things that I think I don't want in my life as it does for the more desirable things!

The process is identical with the main exception being that those less desirable creations were created when I operated from habit or beliefs that really didn't serve me so well. And still, they were brilliant creations. They issued big invitations to take a hard look at what my beliefs were creating. They woke me up from a stupor and forced me to take charge of my life or else go back to sleep until the next big bump in the road. Finally, they reinforced that there are no limits to my creativity!

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